Published onAugust 17, 2023Environment Variables and .env FilesVariablesSecrectdotenvEnvironmentEnvironment variables are values that are set in the operating system or runtime environment and can be accessed from an application...
Published onAugust 17, 2023Aws lambdaawslambdaAWS Lambda Service is a cloud computing platform that allows you to run code without the need to provision and manage servers...
Published onAugust 17, 2023Git HooksGitHookGit Hooks are custom scripts that are automatically executed on specific events within a Git repository...
Published onAugust 16, 2023NPM Package ManagerPackageNodejsNpmjavascriptnpm (Node Package Manager) is the default package manager for the Node.js ecosystem. Allows the installation, management and update of packages...
Published onApril 24, 2023Snap landing pagelandingpagehtmlcssjsFrontend Mentor Challenge. Snap landing page.